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Old 08-19-2014, 02:57 PM
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Originally Posted by CDROBERTS View Post
OP: Be careful what you wish for when you ask for Martial Law to be instituted.

This type of attitude is what they WANT.
The people BEGGING for them to interfere for "their own good"
To "protect" us.
No, we do not need martial law.

I saw more pics of store owners with guns out front, and none of them are being bothered.
That should tell us all something.

I say pull out, let the animals burn their own neighborhood to the ground, because you KNOW Washington is just going to pay to rebuild it all when this is done anyway.

I don't like the way the Police have become so Militarized. It hasn't accomplished anything, and now they brought in the REAL military anyway. Not the boys playing with toys.

Who trashes their own neighborhood? Sheesh.

Marital Law though... No. I don't like the fact that they needed to bring the Guard in, but waddya gonna do.

Again...goes to show that all the toys in the world do nothing with bad leadership.

+3 ..........................................
Sure you did
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