Thread: Tightening Up
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Old 09-01-2014, 05:57 PM
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Default Tightening Up

Went out to Fort Bliss today: commissary, barber shop and Class 6. Security is a lot tighter: there were two soldiers, not private security guards, at each entry; they really gave us the beady eyeball. They were wearing body armor, too. Some cars and ALL trucks were being pulled over for a closer inspection. I saw in the paper today that the two gates to Biggs, now known as 'Bliss East', are closed to all except military personnel and DOD civilian employees; I doubt I could get on with my retired ID card. Not incidently the headquarters of the 1st Armored Division is on Biggs. Evidently they have information that something is afoot, and are taking precautions. The sign at the entrance still shows Force Protection Condition Alpha, but they're operating somewhat above that level.

Bliss isn't more than about five miles north of the border, well within range of any Hamas-type rocket that could be fired off two forked sticks in the general direction of the post. I'll keep my AR 15 near at hand, just in case 'they' are planning some sort of incursion on foot.
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