Thread: Dogs
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Old 10-28-2014, 12:25 PM
Dikinalaska Dikinalaska is offline
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This is really hard for me. I have a full-blooded blue-nose Pit. I fight stereotypes every single day. My dog is as trained as one can be. I've had more than a few VERY negative run-ins with ignorant A-holes when it comes to my dog. Knowing people's constant ignorance about Pot Bulls, I always keep her on a leash, even though not once has she ever pulled the leash taught. One of the worst encounters I ever had almost turned into a horrible situation. I was walking with my 11-month old son in a "baby backpack" and had my pit on her leash. About a mile from our house a little white wire-haired terrier(bout the same size as a jack russel) came running straight towards us growling and barking. My pit is trained to stand between whoever is holding her leash and the other dog. I kept backing up while calling her back with me. She was standing in "Ready" position while slowly back-stepping. The terrier finally got close enough to try and pounce and my girl slammed her to the ground with her paws and was barking in it's face. The terrier literally was peeing itself(and peeing on my dog since it was on it's back) I gave the command to stop and she gave me a look like "really?!" but I said it again and she backed off. The owner was running out screaming. The terrier was still hopping around at a distance barking. I always have my Shield .40 with me, but this didn't seem like a justifiable. UNTIL... The owner got to me. As he got about face-to-face with me while yelling about my "killer dog" (which never once bit his, only tackled and barked as trained), well before I knew it he was screaming that he was running back to get his gun and that "it better have been worth it!" I dialed 911 immediately and ran into the woods nearby. I saw no need to deal with a gunfight. The police arrived pretty briskly, thankfully, but it wasn't the outcome I was expecting. After the two officers talked with him and me, it was determined that my dog was dangerous and that they were calling the pound. Luckily a neighbor was in his yard doing yardwork and came after I asked him, he came and told what he saw to the police. The officers seemed just as prejudiced towards my dog as most people. It got to the point that I had my lawyer on the phone. My dog is part of my family. Finally all was said and done, and I was told I could leave, but not before one of them muttered "You got lucky today" to my dog. It sickens me peoples sheer ignorance when it comes to dog breeds. Knowing about how dogs work will help you deal with them.

More on subject, OP- I think you were justified to be situationally aware, but like stated above, they never got within 45 feet or so, or were acting aggressive whatsoever. Wouldn't have pulled a gun. The only time I let mine off the leash is when nobody else is around strictly because of ignorant stereotypes from ignorant people, not because she doesn't listen. But if somebody pointed a gun at my dog when she was doing nothing aggressive, I'll probably be pulling mine too.

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