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Old 03-18-2015, 10:15 PM
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Originally Posted by JohnSW View Post
That's great news for attention seeking wimps. Look at me! I must be a Real Man because I have a gun!
This post could have come verbatim from the “Mom’s Demand Action” website, just sayin’

When we as gun owners belittle other gun owners who exercise their Second Amendment Rights in a different way than we do we’re doing Mike Bloomberg’s work for him.

I’ve waivered back and forth on open carry but I think I’ve finally come to the conclusion that even though open carry isn’t something I would do (I have in the past) and even though the actions of some individual open carriers are (IMO) kinda dumb As a gun owner I have to come down on the side of supporting the free expression of the Second Amendment.

If an individual steps out of line while open carrying or violates the Rights of a business owner or anyone else then that individual should be held accountable not the entire class of open carriers.

Alternatively, the next time someone with a concealed handgun permit commits a crime we can pull your permit in response
Retired Career Security Guard
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