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Old 12-28-2015, 04:38 AM
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Nemo288 Nemo288 is offline
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That would depend on the square meter of this country you inhabit.
Welcome to the twisted, cruel, world of USA gun laws.
The city I live in, for instance, banned selling handguns until the state recently stepped in and preempted
that idiocy by unifying and nullifying most city gun laws.
Sadly, in most cases it depends on how good a lawyer you can afford.
Take a look at the stupid state of Neighborhood Association rules.
Your freedoms are something you must be aware of and defend every minute of your life.
Otherwise the self-serving politicians will take them away and somehow make money doing so.

To answer your question more seriously: ask your state attorney general.
This question is one that is being asked a lot.
Many cities (think Chicago or New York) think they are above the law. State or Federal.
Hell, maybe they are.
We fought our bloodiest war over this stuff.
And it's not over yet.

This question also has another side.
Suppose a city (or state) decides the state (or Fed) has over-reached and passed unctious restrictive authoritarian laws.
They pass statutes pre-empting or plain ignoring those laws (think smoking pot or accepting unlimited immigrants).
The Fed decides they don't like this local law and raid (or otherwise disrupt).
Who's rights are being served here?

The meek will probably not inherit this country (or the earth).
"Everything 44"

Last edited by Nemo288; 12-28-2015 at 05:05 AM.
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