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Old 07-21-2016, 11:17 PM
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les.b les.b is offline
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In 4 or 5 months, the most important election season of our lives as gun owners will be upon us. The shaky 4-4 balance of the Supreme Court is going to be readjusted after the presidential election. Situations like the unfortunate one there in Massachusetts may be heading to SCOTUS. Heller and McDonald may be revisited, and as we saw in the recent rebuff of an appeal of a semi-auto ban by the now evenly balanced court may just be the start of unraveling the good and hard work that so many of us have labored over for so many years, and those who came before us. The freedoms enshrined in our constitution are literally up for grabs.

If you don't belong to the NRA, now is the time to join!! If you belong, upgrade. Lee has arranged this wonderful deal for all of us: NRA Life Membership for $500 - Ends July 31st but it is only good for the rest of July. We need numbers to combat the antis.

They have deeper pockets than we do. Michael Bloomberg has pledged to spend at least $50,000,000.00 (yes, that's 50 million dollars) on trying to elect anti Liberty candidates. But he is not the only Billionaire with deep pockets aligned against us. A lot of those dot-com guys, who have a spare Billion or so are throwing money into the mix.

We are all we have!!! This "Mess in Mass" is only going to be the beginning if we don't stick together. This is a fight we can't afford to lose.

I know that we are not supposed to talk politics here, so I am not mentioning any candidates by name or party. I have for many years split my vote among those candidates who support our constitutional rights. Sometimes it's a Democrat, sometimes a Republican. We must not lose the Supreme Court!!!

Please forgive me, I cannot stay silent, support the NRA and your state affiliates. Here in West Virginia, we have had a very good year, we now have constitutional carry, and a host of other reforms. The NRA and other gun rights organizations have done a wonderful job of educating our state legislature, and they in turn did great work.

Sorry to go on and on, but I can't think of anything more important right now, and it applies directly to the situation there in Massachusetts.

Best Regards, and thanks for reading and bearing with me, my heart goes out to you folks there in Massachusetts...your friend... Les
SWCA 3084, SWHF 495, PGCA 3064

Last edited by les.b; 07-21-2016 at 11:21 PM. Reason: Correct auto spell
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