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Old 10-24-2016, 11:00 PM
bobknn bobknn is offline
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I can relate to your comment of being left handed in a right handed world. Everything is more difficult than it should be. The Almighty played an additional trick on me by making me right eye dominant. That combination makes shooting a hand gun more difficult as I can't possibly shoot right handed. I've tried. I have to move my arms to the right, reverse my footing, sight and squeeze. After a lot of practice I've gotten pretty accurate.

However, you just can't do that with a rifle. I'm learning to shoot rifles right handed. My accuracy is approaching ok, but clearing the rifle when the range goes cold is awkward beyond belief. Trying to drop the magazine, lock back the bolt, and step back behind the red line before the RSO goes postal on me seems to be an impossible task.

I realize none of this is of any help to you, but I just wanted to let you know that there is someone out here that really understands how annoying the right handed world is.
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