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Old 12-14-2016, 02:32 PM
Duckford Duckford is offline
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People who have frequented this board for a long time, or home defense in general, have almost certainly come across Ayoob's "Don't Answer The Door", and there are valuable lessons to take away from that. I'll use that to reinforce my previous post and idea, you should be heard but not seen. Direct confrontation can cause an otherwise non violent intruder to resort to fight or flight mode, and maybe fight instead of flight, all at close quarters. The aggressive or violent intruder may be given an edge by you directly showing yourself. Also, coming up on a non intruder, half asleep at night, close quarters and with real adrenaline and a loaded gun, is a dangerous situation at the very least.

Again, it all comes down to your very own situation and place. But, cover is cover, deflade and not being noticed can be of advantage. And in some circumstances, waiting is the best alternative. If you wait in the shadows and see the person is wearing a ski mask and carrying a weapon of any sort, perhaps shooting from the shadow can be justified and correct. There is the possibility that if the intruder is brandishing a firearm, ambush is the most ethical choice, if someone is to get the first shot, let it be you. Direct confrontation can make it violent and spiral out of control, showing your position may only take away your edge.

When Cortez conquered Tenochtitlan, he left one out of the five causeways open so that the Aztecs could retreat. Chasing an intruder away with verbal threats, mere presence, the idea the police are called, ect., may be anti climactic, but could be very effective. Let the man panic, but give him no one to fight, and he probably resort to flight, and if you don't cut off his entrance, he might just leave without a fight. And, as I've said, if he instead turns aggressive and comes deeper into the home, or at you, he wasn't going to be reasoned with anyhow.

Showing yourself and confrontation might get the guy to surrender, might help him make his choice to flee, but it could also cause a fight if you box him, and could give you the disadvantage if he was going to fight from the get go. Give away your general position, never give up your direct position.
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