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Old 01-16-2017, 06:23 PM
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mnshutterbug mnshutterbug is offline
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Originally Posted by Whitwabit View Post
little town down along the river about 1200 people .. no murders in town for over 50 years .. someone robbed the local gas station killing the attendant ..

Just because it hasn't happened in a number of years doesn't mean it won't happen tomorrow !!
That can pertain to many things. I recall several years ago in the town I grew up in, a lady got struck by lightning because she was on her phone and the lightning came through the phone line. It's hard to prepare for that. Just because someone gets run over by a truck while crossing the street doesn't mean I'm going to train myself to cross the street faster just in case. There are many ways even less of a possibility of happening that a person can't really train for. There is even a higher chance of slipping on the ice and smacking my head on the sidewalk than there is of ever confronting a bad guy with a gun. Just sayin... If I ever get a job at a gas station I'll start carrying.