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Old 02-01-2017, 05:00 PM
lemondrop9344 lemondrop9344 is offline
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Some very interesting opinions here. Having just went through this with my wife, I can say the best handgun is the one she chooses and will practice with. It's to her and your advantage to have her engage with a qualified instructor who will afford her the opportunity to load and fire a variety of handguns. It's important he/she provides the pros and cons of each type & caliber. I have semi-autos of the Glock variety and a few revolvers chambered in .357. In my attempt to get the wife involved, I would load the magazines or the cylinder, hand the firearm to the wife and let her go at it. Initially, she was very fond of the Glock 19. The fondness for the Glock quickly diminished when the instructor had her load the magazine and rack the slide prior to putting rounds down range. She ultimately decided a S&W 60 Pro was to her liking. I believe the revolver provides less opportunity for a ND, and, improves one's ability to master trigger control. Much easier to load and master the mechanics and puts rounds down range. Most of her ongoing practice is at 10 yards or less with her Model 60. The best part, is she did not pick a caliber for which I did not have ammo stocked up. As she becomes more proficient, additional training will occur.
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