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Old 08-17-2017, 04:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Watchdog View Post
Well, that can't happen unless a case comes before the Court. To the best of my knowledge, a national reciprocity case isn't pending before the Court. And the Court can't just arbitrarily render a decision, they can't make new law.

Regarding the bill, itself, if you actually look at it, it really isn't a total/full national reciprocity bill. Without getting into a line by line dissection of the bill, what it's supposed to do is "amend the federal criminal code to allow a qualified individual to carry a concealed handgun into or possess a concealed handgun in another state that allows individuals to carry concealed firearms." (the bold print is mine).

In other words, even with so-called national reciprocity as the law of the land, you (from Montana) or me (from North Carolina) still wouldn't be allowed to carry our concealed handgun into New York or any other state that doesn't allow it for its own residents. Now, I could be wrong about that, but I think my interpretation is correct.

As late as June of this year, the NRA trumpeted that the "concealed carry reciprocity effort gains steam in Congress." Well, it's done no such thing. All it's gained is more tag-along sponsors who want to make their gun owning constituents believe they're doing something for them.

So without dragging this old thread out any further than necessary, the current status of H.R.38 (the original subject of this thread) is that it's been languishing in the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, Homeland Security, and Investigations since January 12, 2017. For all I know, it could have several other bills stacked on top of it by now.

I think I've said this before about this bill...the way things are in the world and this country in 2017, probably the last thing on the minds of those in Congress is another obscure run-of-the-mill gun bill like those that get introduced every year.

Every time this subject comes up in the 2A Forum, we all (myself included) end up saying the same ol' things over and over. Fear of the feds, federal intrusion, this state, that state, NRA says this, Supreme Court, Congress should, blah blah blah.

This thread's well over a year old now. Just like H.R.38, it isn't going anywhere anytime soon. There's really nothing new to see here.
All 50 states, including D.C. and NYC, issue carry permits. Illinois and Wisconsin were the last states that didn't provide any provision for a carry permit, and now they went shall issue.

In states like NJ and NY, permits are issued (there's a law on the books that governs permits). NJ and NY has set up their permit systems so as to only permit who they want to carry a gun (celebrities, politicians, friends of the ruling class). Everyone else is denied when they apply. So, if the law passes and is signed, NJ and NY and all the other states, since they DO issue permits to carry, must recognize other states permits.

What NY and NJ HATE is the fact that this law essentially strips them of their tyrannical corruption in keeping all the peasants unarmed.

Last edited by American1776; 08-17-2017 at 04:05 PM.
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