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Old 08-28-2017, 08:59 PM
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Kanewpadle Kanewpadle is offline
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"Lock manufacturers like to boast of how strong their products are. A $40.00 deadbolt lock is just as good as a $250.00 high-tech wonder because it’s the doorjamb that’s going to absorb the force of an attack and fail, not the lock."

Your first sentence is not true at all. You have fallen for the baloney that the lock manufacturers want you to believe.

True, normally the door jamb or the door itself fails. But not always. I have seen supposedly strong bolts shear in half when the door and jamb held firm. Some deadbolts including the $40 deadbolts you mention have hollow bolts. The are not solid steel and often are made of pot metal.

The $250 deadbolts are high security. Not only are they stronger but they are designed to resist multiple methods of attack. Some that most folks are not accustomed to seeing. And they offer resistance to key bumping. If there are no signs of forced entry because the lock was "bumped" your insurance company may not pay up. Seen this a few times.

No offense, but if you're going to offer advice, please make sure it's accurate. I can help you with that. It's what I do for a living. Not bragging. But I've seen things you wouldn't believe. I'm not a first responder. More like a second responder that just happens to get there before the cops do sometimes.
Life Is A Gift. Defend it!

Last edited by Kanewpadle; 08-29-2017 at 12:36 AM.
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