Thread: CHP sixguns
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Old 09-01-2017, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by jimmyj View Post
The "Newhall Incident" and years later the "Miami Shootout" seems to be somewhat similar in that two heavily armed BGs took on several LEOs
Actually, I think it's unfortunate that Newhall has been somewhat overshadowed by Miami as the "big notorious shootout".

Obviously, Miami was a fascinating event, but it was also quite extraordinary in its circumstances. The dynamics of the "felony stop" itself, resulting in a bumper car derby that positioned vehicles every which way creating the opposite of a controlled situation, the presence of multiple agents, two bad guys armed with both long guns (including the Mini-14 which did most of the damage) and sidearms and military training, created a quite unique environment unlikely to repeat itself. The "lessons" to be learned, in my opinion, are frequently oversold.

Newhall was the opposite. A "regular" non-felony traffic stop, at night but in a well-lit location, the initial CHP unit positioned behind the suspects' vehicle, the officers approaching from behind, including one from the right side in what should be an overwatch position ... and yet everything went horribly wrong in a very short time.

The CHP officers weren't outgunned, they were surprised and outfought, and that can happen to anyone. In a very short time, four officers were dead and two perpetrators on the run barely scratched. Newhall was a situation officers encounter much more often than a Miami-style battle. Studying how this can go sideways is much more important that, for example the religious wars over bullet types and calibers spawned by Miami.
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