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Old 09-23-2017, 07:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Salox View Post
The Greatest Generation knew real blood, sweat and tears, and as a millennial raised by great grand parents born in 1914, I miss these people a tremendous amount. If your word was no good, you were no good. Now a quality being lost to antiquity. My great grandfather, even in advanced age, was a huge man! He had giant weather checked hands from hard manual mining and farm labor. There was no task that couldn’t be beaten with brute force and determination. His wife was the maestro of all daily activities and ran a TIGHT ship of a house hold. There was absolutely no crossing her without severe and immediate penalty. It was a privilege to be brought up with these great ethics.

Blueberry and raspberry picking was not an afternoon to make a couple of pies. No, no. It was filling every container, washed out milk carton and hubcap off the car completely full with out the aid of sunscreen or deet for not one day, not two days, but until the entire patch was devoid of fruit!! Hunting and fishing was the same. It was survival. There was a volley of verbiage if you missed a strike or didn’t take the animal with one attempt! Now this wasn’t done in malice, but in teaching. You had to be precise and accurate, very deliberate in action. Once this was achieved to satisfaction, the feeling of these activities being work became fun, and common ground to merit with the generation. A true acceptance and friendship with them. Even though there were many failures, they did not give up and you would learn the ways of old by repetition.

Today at work, I just could not motivate my millennial counterparts. Distracted on mobile devices, it made me urn for one, just one from the greatest generation to be there. Does anyone else feel the same??

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