Thread: No carry work?
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Old 12-05-2017, 09:38 PM
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Originally Posted by Mister X View Post
There are many ways to look at this issue. Some people frequently and loudly proclaim they won't go anyplace they are not allowed to carry. I honestly find such rigid thinking rather ridiculous and negatively impacting your quality of life unnecessarily.

I wouldn't want to be a law enforcement officer without having a firearm, but working in a school is an entirely different matter. There is an old saying that shouldn't go anywhere or do anything armed that you wouldn't unarmed and it's pretty sound advice. If there is a school in the United States where shootings are actually a relatively frequent occurence, I would highly recommend not working there, but that isn't the case AFAIK anywhere and the odds of being involved in a school shooting are absolutely astronomically low.

Sure, you never know and why some insist on being armed 24/7 including while in the shower, but I think their insistence to constantly be armed probably has more to do with things like politics, hobby and their psyche than it does any realistic practical need for self-protection. If these same people are so vigilante and supposedly concerned with their personal safety, then why do they drive a car. The odds of being involved in a civilian defense shooting are miniscule compared with your chances of being in a fatal car accident, but yet they all still choose to drive.

Do as you wish, but sometimes you just have to live your life and not let irrational fears and thinking rule it.

Do you carry religiously? You may not be as safe as you believe. -
That Grant Cunningham article deserves it's own thread. It really changed how I think about how I carry and how I view personal security. EXCELLENT
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