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Old 02-19-2018, 09:14 AM
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steelslaver steelslaver is offline
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Still some Sheriff deputies around here carrying revolvers. Very rural and spread out. Plus, I moved into this county in 2009 and haven't heard of an officer involved shooting other than finishing off a cow or something that got on the road at the wrong time and that is usually taken care of before the law ever arrives at the scene as almost everyone has a gun. 6 rounds would about take care of all the real criminals in the county. The guys running around ignoring the finer points of law might take a boxcar load of ammo though. Unless they really bug somebody they just get ignored.

My BIL is the mayor of a little town 37 miles north of here. Their cops don't carry revolvers, but, then there are no cops. If they have a problem they either take care of it themselves or call the sheriff from here and wait for somebody. They don't call very often.

The police blotter is very short and boring. I called the sheriffs office once to report hitting a deer. They acted puzzled as to why I had called about it. Was there a problem? Except for some bent tin and a broken head light, no.

No sign on the departments door about weapons. Went to a NRA hand gun class in the sheriff deportment basement. Almost everyone brought a gun.

Last edited by steelslaver; 02-19-2018 at 09:27 AM.
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