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Old 04-10-2018, 03:37 PM
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m657 m657 is offline
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Despite decades of attempts to the contrary, I simply do not shoot 357 mag very well regardless of the issuing platform or target.

re: "The recoil signatures will be different, and shooters will differ in which they prefer, but the bowling pin should react the same to both."

The secret for me has been whether I can reliably hit the little monsters. So far 44 special, 41 mag & 10mm has been my personal 'most accurate' loads, in lumbering velocities without regard to PF or FPS calculations.

Our local version has 5 pins in center of 4x8 plywood sheet @ 50' (I think), we have 6 rounds for them & a stop plate that demonstrates winner in close match. We can load 6 at a time for up to 18 total.

Once a guy brought his new 500 S&W 4". 18 shots later he had not touched any of the pins.

Personal experimentation demonstrated considerable improvement in securing pin-off-table one-hit results with 10mm vs 40 S&W standard loads with exact same lead flat point 180g.

Hot 38 special loads in the 900 fps range work better for me, as somehow I shoot them more accurately than same bullet in mid or hot 357 loading in the same gun. I must flinch for one & not the other.
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