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Old 05-04-2018, 12:58 PM
clang444 clang444 is offline
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Originally Posted by rct269 View Post
The serial number would be STAMPED on the inside of the RH panel--------IF the grips were FIT/ATTACHED to the gun. IF the gun was shipped with grip adapter ATTACHED, on the other hand, they would not be numbered. And that of course is because of the undeniable fact the ORIGINAL grips were not ATTACHED to the gun, but to the grip adapter----which WAS attached to the gun (but not fit to the gun). Given no need to fit the grips, there was no need to number them---right? RIGHT!!

Now, should some skeptical soul call for proof of the foregoing, we're plumb out of luck; for I fear no such proof will be forthcoming----but it makes sense. Here's why: I have a revolver shipped "with grip adapter attached". (Alas, there was no grip adapter attached when I got it, but I came up with one in short order.) What was "attached" to the interior of the grip panels was nothing---which is to say the "stain" (for lack of a better word) following the outline of the grip frame typically found on the interior of any/all older revolver grips wasn't there. The interior of the grips looked like they'd just come from the Parts Department. So what's up with that?!! It took a little spell of sittin' and starin', but I decided there was no stain because the grips hadn't been attached to the gun (for very long at any rate)----they'd been attached to the grip adapter---and were about to be attached to a grip adapter again.

So---does my experience with exactly one gun make for a statistically valid sample? Not hardly!! But it makes sense.

So, back to the case at hand: We'll know some more worth knowing when your letter arrives-------and then the guessing games can continue----or not. In the meantime, what do the inside of your grips look like-----stained as usual, stained some/a little, but not 80 years worth, or what? Also in the meantime, does anybody have an RM shipped with grip adapter attached, and is it still attached? And is the grip adapter FIT to the grip frame (and numbered)? And are the grips fit to the adapter (and numbered)? I ask these questions because they too make sense----given a "custom, made to order" gun. My gun, on the other hand is not an RM; but it's one given to a famous person---one to whom S&W owed a debt of gratitude, and one with whom S&W also wished to curry favor---so it makes sense they might very well make the extra effort with that gun----same as they might have done with an RM. As it happened, no such extra effort was made on my gun---which is to say (again) the adapter was not fit to the grip frame, and the grips (assuming they're original) were not fit to anything.

And the beat goes on!!

Ralph Tremaine
For your consideration:

I bought these N frame grips and grip adapter at a recent gun show from a guy that mostly sells modern aftermarket and reproduction grips. The seller may be affiliated with Altamont or have some kind of relationship with them. This seller will take trade-ins, and some uneducated customers will trade in their original vintage grips to offset some of the cost of the reproduction grips they want for their guns.

I assume that is where the grips and adapter pictured above came from. The seller said that he got them together and I didn't ask too many questions because the price was right. The grips are numbered 54158 and are like new inside and out and there is no staining from touching the inside of a grip frame. This makes me think the grips and grip adapter came together on a gun. The grip adapter is oversized compared to the grips. If you look closely you can see it on the picture below of the grips and adapter mounted on my Reg Mag:

My sgntr is mor thn 30 chrctrs
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