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Old 07-12-2018, 09:01 AM
rifmon rifmon is offline
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Originally Posted by CalmerThanYou View Post
Rifmon, if you think today's cars are "boring" you are not paying attention.
The American muscle car is back, better than ever. Take a Hellcat for a spin sometime. There are many new American and Euro offerings that can make a car enthusiasts wallet thin as a wafer.
I admit I fit the description of one who is not paying attention to cars as a car enthusiast. I just am commenting on the average costly cars I see in the supermarket and office parking lots, sitting next to the average economy car. To me they look too similar. When I was young, an expensive car looked more expensive than a less expensive car. Maybe what I'm seeing is the result of cars being designed to reduce drag and therefore producing the same boring shape. While I'm not into cars as I am firearms, I do appreciate vintage cars with character vs the bubbles on wheels we see today.

But if I were into cars I would more aware of the cars you're referring to.
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