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Old 11-14-2018, 10:09 AM
CBStuard CBStuard is offline
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Originally Posted by jnichols2 View Post
Many shooters say not to get a red dot or laser, they are just wasteful gimmiks. That depends on where you are on the continuim of time.
We will all reach the time when that pesky front sight is hard to see, let alone focus.
Then we have to see/focus three separate areas (Rear Sight, Front Sight, and Target) all at once.

The laser and target are both the same distance, so you only have to focus on one point. And you can focus that distance without having to carry, and quickly put on, reading glasses.

When you reach that age, the "wasteful gimmiks" suddenly become Godsends.
You don't shoot "better", but now you can see what you are shooting better.

Also; even if you have perfect eye sight, if the laser lets you keep both eyes open, it does wonders for your periphial vision.

I wish you long life. If granted, you too will carry a laser or red dot.
Well written. We have CT lasers on every gun that could possibly be used for defense. When I consider a pistol, my first step is to check if CT has a laser for it. If not, I move on. Keeping both eyes open and being able to see ALL of the bad guy vs only seeing from POA up is huge. What is he doing w/ his hands? W/ iron sights in use who knows. You can't see his hands because your hands and your gun are blocking your view. About a year ago I was at the range practicing. I can blade the target and then have it turn and face me for any number of seconds I want before it blades again. From low ready I was trying to get 2 hits in 3 seconds on a 3 inch dot at 30 feet. 50 rnds w/ iron sights, 50 rnds w/ the laser. All I can say is, when I went back to iron sights, I was immediately slower w/ maybe 25% only getting one hit. Not that the hit was way off the dot, the problem was I only got one shot in that 3 seconds because sights are slower. After the first mag full back w/ irons all I could think of was, dang this is so old school it's crazy.
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