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Old 02-11-2020, 04:56 PM
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christak christak is offline
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Originally Posted by Boogs View Post
In regards to the OP, it does NOT sound like the pistol is the issue.

Your situation sounds different, are you saying the only stove-pipes you encounter are last round? I would number those mags to make them easier to identify and try and narrow it down. Have you had others shoot your pistol with the same result?
My gun functions flawlessly EXCEPT for the last round stovepipes or last round completely ejected from the gun. My magazines are numbered. I currently have 8, but have had 11 different mags including the ones I returned to Smith. I worked with Smith from January until August 2019 trying to sort out the issues with my EZ. Others have fired my gun...same results...and I'm an experienced handgun guy with many handguns from all the gun makers listed in my post above plus Beretta and Springfield. I've never seen a gun have this kind of issue that apparently has no cure. I know many don't report having this issue, but I've gotten to the point that after 3835 rounds of 8 different brands of ammo through my gun and multiple iterations trying to fix the problem, I just no longer enjoy having the EZ. It's great fun when it isn't stovepiping, but I can't shoot 250 rounds without issues. All my other handguns are completely reliable and as such are far more fun to shoot. I shoot 13000 to 15000 rounds per year...I'm at the range every week. I'm currently down on Smith and don't plan to purchase any more semi-automatics from them. I know that is an overreaction, but that's where I am. YMMV
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