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Old 06-10-2018, 08:49 PM
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s&wchad s&wchad is offline
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Exclamation ***MANDATORY READ*** Classifieds Rules Reminder

The rules and Stickies were amended several years ago. They're located at the top of each classifieds section. Read them BEFORE posting here.


- If your item sells on this site within the first 24 hours of being listed, you MUST have the buyer post "I'll take it". If the item sells after 24 hours, you can simply edit the title and add "SOLD" to the beginning. DO NOT post "SOLD" in a new reply. To edit a title, click "edit" in post #1 and then click "go advanced".

- If your item sells elsewhere, please edit your ad PROMPTLY to show that it sold.
* Mark it sold in the TITLE of your ad.
* If it sells elsewhere within the first 24 hours, edit the original ad text and state "Sold on another forum" or "Sold on my website" or something similar to show where it was sold. DO NOT post "SOLD" in a new reply.

Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in a one point infraction titled "Unidentified Sale". The point will remain active for one year.

- One ad thread at a time per classifieds section, one bump per day. You may list as many items as you wish in the ad. You may edit your original ad at any time. Sale items MUST be priced. This has not changed.


- Anyone buying here for RESALE is required to WAIT 24 hours after an ad is posted before buying.

- The ONLY allowable posted reply to an ad is "I'll take it", PERIOD.
DO NOT ask questions, post "PM sent" or "email sent" or make offers in the thread.
DO NOT post "I'll take seconds".
Ask questions or make offers by PM or email.
If you suspect a problem with an ad, report it with the in the top right of the ad.


- Replies to WTB ads are now blocked. Send a PM or email.


Guns Classifieds rules:
The Rules

Accessories/Misc Classifieds rules:
READ the RULES ! ! !
"I also cook."

Last edited by s&wchad; 02-10-2021 at 06:09 AM. Reason: WTB Ad replies blocked
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