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Old 11-18-2021, 05:59 AM
arabensburg arabensburg is offline
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Default "Brill" holster under construction by N J Rabensburg

This basket weave pattern "Brill" holster was either under construction in 1961 at the time of N J Rabensburg's death or was an earlier discard. The sewing threads are still attached. This holster was displayed a few years ago in an exhibit on N J Rabensburg's leather career while living in La Grange from 1915 to 1920.

A completed A W Brill holster made by my grandfather, N J Rabensburg, was given to my father, Aubrey, during or prior to retirement. The holster has, unfortunately, disappeared into someone else's hands. It was safely stored in a gun case at my parents home in Houston, but several people accessed the case to buy guns following my father's death in 1986. The holster may have disappeared at that time.

I do have a basket weave and floral designed belts by N J Rabensburg. Also, a leather binder for documents and a tube to store a collapsible sheet music stand. These were both made during the early and mid-1930s for my father, when he was attending Austin High School and the University of Texas.

Last edited by arabensburg; 11-18-2021 at 06:02 AM.
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