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Old 08-01-2022, 10:59 AM
kbm6893 kbm6893 is offline
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Originally Posted by Grayfox View Post
The Democrats know its unconstitutional, they know it has a very small chance of passing, they know if it does pass the courts will strike it down. They don't care.
This is mostly about appearances. They need to look like they're trying to do something about crime even if they actually aren't. Its a dog and pony show to placate the masses and get them votes. Nothing more.
The people who write these laws and pass them don't care about crime. They don't care about gun violence. They don't care about mental health, or schools not being fortified, or suicides' by gun, or domestic violence. They surely don't care about the thousands shot every year in these urban hellholes, despite what they tell the ignorant residents of those hellholes. They surely don't care about the many more lives saved by guns.

They don't care about anything other than their happy little bubbles they live in and power. The rest of the country suffered under lockdowns while the politicians ate steak and expansive ice cream. When the news of another mass shooting reaches their ears, the rejoice, because they don't care about the victims. They care about what it can bring them.

It is unbelievable to me that the majority of citizens don't see this. Politicians on both sides of the aisle want to stay in power. They will say and do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. We are nothing more than toilet paper to them. Valued when it's needed but then just flushed away.
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