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Old 01-17-2024, 04:19 PM
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Default Fighting Philosophy

Originally Posted by Mr. Vito View Post
For many years my 642 in a Desantis pocket holster has been my "go to" gun for concealed carry. I don't carry while in my home, and it was just so easy to grab the 642 and put it into my front right pocket as I was leaving. But lately I find I am having capacity anxiety, thinking that it is foolish to be limited to 5 rounds of 38+, especially if I honest with myself that my accuracy with this short barreled revolver is pretty much limited to bad breath distances from my attacker. Sometimes instead I carry my Glock 26 with its 10+1 capacity in an OWB holster, but it sure is not as concealable and convenient as the trusty 642. Thoughts?
These weapons are tools that match the fighting philosophy that explains and justifies their use. I can talk about this at length but people don't usually appreciate my doing that. I tend toward wordy pedantry on any subject.

In short, with a five shot snub nose revolver, you intend for each and every round to count.
You are expecting one assailant. Five rounds is more than adequate.
You are determined to use any means necessary including empty-hand skills or improvised weapons to resist the threat. It ain't all just gun!
You know that guns in movies are imaginary magic charms and that they do not work that way in real life, therefore, you intend to fire once perhaps twice and then assess and adapt.

Now about range and barrel length, I appreciate your honesty, but take it to the range and start moving the target back. Won't you come back here and tell us what happened? We all might be gratified to learn that your arm has a longer reach than you thought, but either way you want to know where the thing works and where it does not and fight accordingly.

A high capacity 9mm semi auto equips for a different fighting style. You may say that your Glock will be fine either way, you'd be right.
If ya got a pointy stick, learn to win with it.

One other thought. On this fine forum, for which I really am thankful, if you say anything at all about how a gunfight might go down and hence prepare for that, there is at least one nincompoop here who will accuse you of being a gunfighter wannabe. Please ignore him.

Please correct me, as I am not the expert. This is the part of the subject in which I am most interested.

Kind regards!
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