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Old 04-01-2024, 12:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Fastbolt View Post
I also have a couple of LCP's. The first one has a carbon steel slide, and is of the older design, although a Post-Recall model. The second one has a stainless slide, and the revised and improved trigger and sights (still rudimentary, though).

The first one suffered from a takedown pin that walked out under recoil, but a replacement pin from Ruger resolved the issue.

Both LCP's are much more accurate than they have a right to be.

Interestingly, my LCP's - regardless of trigger style - are virtually as easy to run on the usual qual courses-of-fire as my 5-shot snubs ... out to 20yds. Once the distances get out to 25-50yds, the snubs are easier to use to produce 'working groups'. Dunno if it's the bigger/better sights on the snubs, or the more predictable and familiar DA/DAO trigger pulls of the snubs, or perhaps just better stabilization of the heavier .38SPL & .357MAG JHP's ... but I didn't buy the LCP's with shooting out to such longer distances in mind, anyway.

A little while back I grabbed one of my LCP's to add to a range session for a LEOSA qual. Once again, the LCP pleasantly surprised me with how easily it produced accurate hits shooting both 1 & 2-handed.
I have a question about this Fastbolt and thank you in advance!

I wonder about the science behind this phenomenon. What phenomenon? By now I take it for granted that barrel length at self-defense ranges does not result in greater accuracy. I can see greater penetration or especially greater expansion velocity from a longer barrel. It is said that the sight radius helps in combat and I see that when shooting quick follow-ups. But when I control the gun, there is NO difference in accuracy, in fact usually the opposite.

I have a Chiefs CS40 which is more precise than every other handgun I own. I often practice with a Model 411 and the Chief together. I have slowly learned how to hit better with the 411 but the CS40 is easy.

18DAI spoke about his CS45 and said that it was surprisingly accurate.
HR Funk did a couple of videos on his favorite, the CS9. He also said something similar to your comment, "more accurate than it had a right to be." My trainer said same thing to me watching me shoot a Colt Mustang. Now you're saying the same with the LCP.

Please correct me, OK? I think there is something called "barrel harmonics", the vibration of the barrel because of the explosion. The shorter the barrel the less this effect disrupts the position of the barrel at the moment the projectile exits. A longer barrel can flex and rotate more, the shorter barrel is stiffer with less time for the effect.

Huh? That sounds all sciency and stuff, but the spiraling response of the barrel is not a large enough movement and the bullet leaves very fast. There is more miss showing on the target with that longer barrel than I can account for this way, assuming I even understand the idea.

If I saw your target after you shot both a longer barreled 9mm, and then your LCP, I would not be able to tell which hole was a 9 and which hole was a 380. If you shot a 380 target then a 9mm target with a longer barrel, I would expect the scores of both targets to be the same. If the LCP was a better score, I would not be surprised. HR Funk shot a LEO Qual course with his CS9, and the score was the same as any other pistol he used. But WHY??

SO, first question. Is this a legitimate observation?
Second question, regardless of whether it is debatable, given the phenomenon is real, how do we account for the relative better accuracy of your LCP or my CS40?

Don't let me put you on the spot FB. You are one of the valued teachers around here, so I put this to you knowing it is no biggie, but I still wonder.

Kind Regards and Gratitude!
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