Thread: FBI 1076
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Old 02-28-2009, 04:42 PM
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I will defer to dmc on all matters 1076 - his post pretty much says it all. I would like to add that 1076s were widely liked by those who carried them, and I qualified a fellow agent as late as 2005 with his Bureau issued 1076. He ignored many requests to return it to Quantico, and only relented when his paycheck was threatened. Anything you hear about agents not taking to the 1076 because of its size or weight should be taken with a pound of salt - I came into the Bureau right after they stopped issuing the 1076 and saw MANY of them in service. Nobody I knew who had one wanted to give it up.

As far as "prepping the trigger" goes, it certainly wasn't doctrine when I came in, but I did hear the claim that many agents had been trained that way as an early justification for the "no Glocks" rule that was in effect until a prominent FTU instructor retired and was hired by Glock. Things changed shortly thereafter. Now, with the exception of a very few Sig-toting dinosaurs like myself, it is an all-Glock Bureau.

When the 1076s were offered to active agents directly from S&W sometime in the mid-90s ($300 got you the gun, three or four mags, nite-sights, and a blue plastic box with an FBI label) I ordered a butt load on my FFL for fellow agents and New Orleans coppers on our task force. If I ran across a 1076 anywhere in the New Orleans area, I'd invest in a letter.
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