05-26-2009, 05:59 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally posted by JOERM:
Could someone in the LEO world tell me how in the hell can the cops ride in their patrol car, comfortably, all day, all week, all year and not have severe back pain or what ever because their gear belt or what ever they are called have their gun, stun gun, cuffs, flash light, pepper spray, ammo pouch, and what ever else latch on to their waist? How much does one of these fully loaded belts weigh? Plus the life vest, how much does it weigh? On top of it all, how can cops take the heat with all this gear on when the temp is 90 - 100 degrees out??
They can have their job. Heck, when I just have my small side arm on, when driving it can be a real pain in the arsh.
What makes you think it is comfortable?
Haven't worn one since 1990 when I retired, but a few years before that I did weigh mine, and it weighed 22 pounds.
Gunsmithing since 1961