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Old 05-07-2012, 08:10 PM
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O2Guy O2Guy is offline
FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC)  
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Default FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC)

Your FFL must be willing to accept from an individual with a copy of my ID.

5 screw, K Frame, 6 inch barrel, .38 Special, before the Model 10, Nickel finish and it has the N under the grip to show that it was nickel at the time of manufacture. All the numbers on the frame, barrel, and cylinder match. The serial number is S8681XX, I'm told it was made mid to late 1940's. The grips have some dings and nicks and there is a chip out of the left grip as seen in the second photo. Smooth action, tight lock up, good bore. The nickel finish is pretty nice with the usual fine scratches and a freckle here and there. Overall, the thing is pretty nice for the age. $375 FTF here in SC or $400 shipped to your FFL or C&R. *SOLD*

Model 65-3, 3 inch barrel, round butt, .357 Magnum, slick and tight action, not a police trade in as far as I know. $425 FTF here in SC or $450 shipped to your FFL. *SOLD*

Model 66-1, 4 inch barrel, square butt, .357 Magnum, pinned barrel, recessed cylinder. Slick and tight action, not a police trade in as far as I know. $475 FTF here in SC or $500 shipped to your FFL. *SOLD*

In the above photo, under the cylinder latch is a glare or something, it is not on the revolver.

Last edited by O2Guy; 05-16-2012 at 05:33 PM.
Old 05-07-2012, 08:36 PM
victorylarry victorylarry is offline
FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC)  
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I'll take the nickel M&P 6" pre 10 for $400. Thanks. Larry
Old 05-08-2012, 06:10 PM
dcopper dcopper is offline
FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC)  
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Default Model 65 3inch

I'll take the model 65 3inch shipped. PM inbound

Last edited by dcopper; 05-08-2012 at 06:11 PM. Reason: more info
Old 05-10-2012, 05:58 AM
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O2Guy O2Guy is offline
FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC)  
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66-1 still available.
Old 05-16-2012, 06:02 AM
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O2Guy O2Guy is offline
FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC)  
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Last bump for the 66-1.
Old 05-16-2012, 10:55 AM
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FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC) FS: 3 S&W's M&P .38 *SOLD*, 65-3 *SOLD* , and 66-1 *SOLD* ( (SC)  
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PM sent on the M66-1
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357 magnum, 651, k frame, lock, m66, model 10, model 65, recessed, round butt, s&w

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