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S&W Revolvers: 1980 to the Present All NON-PINNED Barrels, the L-Frames, and the New Era Revolvers

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Old 01-11-2009, 06:21 PM
MatGlock MatGlock is offline
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I have a Scandium 360 SC in 357 with a 3"barrel and high vis sight. I bought it new a couple of years ago to carry hiking, fishing, hunting, etc.

It doesn't look like Smith makes this configuration anymore and I am not sure that they made many when they did.

Is this gun considerably more valuable than the Scandium guns Smith is making now. I am just wondering if I should beat it around in the woods. I also have a friend at work who is interested in it and wondered what a fair price would be if I decided to sell it.

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Old 01-11-2009, 06:21 PM
MatGlock MatGlock is offline
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I have a Scandium 360 SC in 357 with a 3"barrel and high vis sight. I bought it new a couple of years ago to carry hiking, fishing, hunting, etc.

It doesn't look like Smith makes this configuration anymore and I am not sure that they made many when they did.

Is this gun considerably more valuable than the Scandium guns Smith is making now. I am just wondering if I should beat it around in the woods. I also have a friend at work who is interested in it and wondered what a fair price would be if I decided to sell it.

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Old 01-12-2009, 10:18 AM
Tom C Tom C is offline
360 SC 3" kit gun question 360 SC 3" kit gun question 360 SC 3" kit gun question 360 SC 3" kit gun question 360 SC 3" kit gun question  
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I have one of the 360 Kit Guns. I replaced the HiViz sights with a normal black, serrated ramp front/square notch rear. Much better for me. The gun is light enough that heavy loads move it around erratically before the bullet can clear the barrel. Accuracy under those conditions is tough. Moderate loads work well. It is a great woods carry gun.

Don’t know how many were made, but not that many. Don’t sell! I don’t believe in selling anything. Too many stories of seller’s remorse. I like mine enough I bought it a companion: a 3” 317. I changed out the sights on it as well.
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Old 01-12-2009, 05:04 PM
MatGlock MatGlock is offline
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I like your idea of the sight switch. The high-vis sight is great for shooting, but not so good for carry.
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317, hiviz, scandium, serrated

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