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Old 05-30-2012, 10:18 PM
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Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx & CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx & CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx & CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx & CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx & CS9  
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CT makes laser grips for most Glocks. Keep it simple if they have a model for your gun.

The best price I've found on CT grips is from an ebay store, but it is simpler to go direct to his website at Crimson Trace Laser Grips at Their prices are cheaper than the wholesalers after I figure shipping, etc. Good people to deal with.
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Old 06-02-2012, 08:04 PM
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I got a set of John's grips for my 6906 and a set for my wife's 908. Had todo very little adjustments to make them fit perfectly. He does a great job and if you want a set you better contact him before he decides he doesn't want to be a manufacturer any more. I will post some pictures when I get a chance.
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Old 03-14-2013, 09:40 PM
Don in AK Don in AK is offline
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Default Are you still doing 6906 CT conversions?

Originally Posted by Hill_Country View Post
Thanks, I'm very pleased with them. What started out as simply a way to put a CT laser on a single weapon has taken on a life of its own. <G>

Last week my CT supplier emailed me that CT is going up on all their prices after the first of the year so I ordered his entire stock plus a few more. The first box came in today's mail so I guess production starts tomorrow. I have to stop several times and allow things to cure for a few days so it will be several weeks before the first production models are ready.

I PM'ed the mod last week to see how far I could go selling in the forum, but haven't heard from him. <hint, hint, mod> But I think it is safe to tell you that I'll be sending out an email in the next few days with details to all the people who expressed interest in the CT grips. (If there is anyone interested who hasn't sent me their email address, please do. jeakin at


I just installed a set of CT on my 5903, and really like them. I really want a set for my 6906 as well, but understand they are not available from CT I've been reading this forum, and found your conversion posts. I'm really interested in a set of these. Can you reply to my email and let me know availability, costs, etc? Thanks! [email protected]
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Old 03-16-2013, 10:50 AM
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Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9  
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I really appreciate the kind comments and the number of people who have written looking for laser grips for 3G Smiths. I should apologize for stopping "production" for so long.

Good excuse, though. CT decided they didn't want to sell me extra parts - occasionally, I need an extra little threaded plastic block that holds the grips together. (Not that I ever screw them up. <G>) CT said they didn't have a part number to sell them separately - big company and didn't want to mess with them - blah, blah. I think they are concerned about warranty claims on a modified product. But Hogue uses the same part and they were more than happy to take my money so I now have a good stock of spares.

Now the only problem is finding the time. I have a little DIY lawsuit against the feds which has just eaten up every spare minute for the last few months ( if you're interested), but I can see an end to it and I hope to get back in the shop in a couple of months. Seems like the older I get, the shorter the days get. Just not enough hours to do it all.

I don't take orders, but it helps me plan if I know how many people are interested so please drop me an email or PM and I'll let you know when they are available and the current price. It will be several months at the soonest, though.

I'm not planning to do any more single-stack grips - there's just to much chance of breaking the grip and that gets expensive - so any new production will be for the 69xx series and the .40 cal models that use the same frame. 4013TSW, 4053TSW, 4056TSW, 6904, 6906, 6944, 6946

I haven't forgotten about the large frame .40 and .45 models and I think I can adapt the 59xx grips to them since they are single-stacks. I'm watching for a 4516 or 457, but I think the days of reasonably priced 3G's are behind us.
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Old 04-15-2013, 04:01 PM
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I just posted a laser grip for a 9mm single stack (39xx or 908) in the classifieds. These are a little tricky to make so I don't plan to do any more single stacks.

I think I have my spare parts problem solved so I'm (finally) starting a batch of laser grips for the 9mm compact frame, double-stack models, 4013TSW, 4053TSW, 4056TSW, 6904, 6906, 6944, 6946. It will be at least a month, but I'll email everyone when they are ready and it will be first come, first served so please email or PM me and I'll put you on the list to be notified.

And before the .45 guys ask, I'm still looking for an old beater 457 to see if I can put a laser on them. That model would fit the 4513TSW, 4553TSW, 4013, 4014, 4053, 4054, 4513, 4516, 4556, 457 which all use the same grip.

I'm also working on a slightly different type of grip mounted laser, but I'm having a problem finding a high quality switch to fit on the grip. In my book, the real value of the CT lasers is the intuitive operation due to the grip mounted switch (which CT has patented and jealously protects). If anyone knows of a suitable switch for an application like this I'd appreciate a heads up.
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Old 04-15-2013, 04:53 PM
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What do you think they'll sell for?
Lounge Lizard Extraordinaire
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Old 04-15-2013, 06:25 PM
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Originally Posted by timn8er View Post
What do you think they'll sell for?
I'm trying to avoid crossing the line and posting blatant advertising on this forum. There's more information in the classified ad or you can PM me.
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Old 05-16-2014, 11:18 PM
Ldishman Ldishman is offline
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Would these fit 6946?
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Old 05-18-2014, 02:16 PM
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Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9 Crimson Trace Lasergrips for 69xx, 39xx &amp; CS9  
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I haven't modified any CT laser grips in some time, because I just don't have time, but I continue to receive requests for them. Several people have asked – most nicely, but some quite demanding – that I tell the world how to modify them themselves. I'm living proof that there is no magic involved, but there are a lot of ways to screw up so here are some tips I've learned the hard way.

My best advice is don't bother, but if you must just order two sets of grips to modify. I can almost guarantee that you'll ruin one before you figure it out. There are no secrets to modifying the grips, just measure twice before you start cutting.

I have a pretty good shop from my years in aviation and electronics maintenance and I now like to do a little wood butchering. However, there were a few things I had to add for this project.
T3 Torx bit
Small diamond grinders for a die grinder or Dremmel
Bone Black from Brownells to tint epoxy
Two part epoxy (thin formula)
Black RTV

I can tell you that the circumference of all the double-stack 9mm 3d gens is the same so the stock 5900 grips fit fine and only have to be cut in length.

The grips on the single-stack 9mm 3d gens need to be shaved in width and need a 1/8 inch shim between the grip and the back edge of the frame in order to fit tight. A little sliver of plexi-glass works well.

The large frame 40’s and 45’s also need to be shaved in width (thickness) and the factory index tabs inside the grips need to be removed.

One of the more difficult steps is removal of the master switch and shorting the wiring. These wires are tiny – probably a 30 or 32 gauge – and it is very easy to pull them out of the circuit board or slice them off. I use an Xacto knife with a fresh blade, a hemostat and a lighted magnifier to strip them. Solder them carefully and cut them off as close to the circuit board as you dare.

The next step is filing the holes in the grips and now exposed wiring with black tinted epoxy.

After you clean up the epoxy you can trial fit the grips to the frame and mark the areas that have to be relieved for the threaded plastic block that holds the mainspring. A fine white paint sharpie pen works well for marking. Be gentle with the die grinder, you can take more off, but you can't put it back. Don't touch those tiny little index tabs if you’re working on a 9mm – those are what aligns everything.

Shaving the width or cutting the length is where I found I was most likely to irreparably damage the grips. You need to make jigs for both steps. I use an end cutting router bit in a router table to cut the thickness – just keep raising the bit until you take off enough. Go very very slow as the hard plastic will chip.

Cutting the grip to length is simple once you get the jig perfected. I use a table saw with a fine tooth carbide blade.

Relocating the screw hole is a little tricky. I use a small drill bit and drill through the plastic threaded block to locate it. Use a larger size bit in a drill press to enlarge it.

The relocated screw hole is now on a more rounded part of the grip and the stock fillister head screws project to far. My local Home Depot carries 6-32 stainless screws that can be cut to length. The stainless is soft so I like a low profile hex head.

If you make it this far, the hard part is behind you. The only thing left is filling the gap in the butt with black RTV. I squirt a liberal amount of RTV in the grip, cover it with Saranwrap and use the frame of the gun as a mold. Clamp it up for at least 24 hours before removing the gun, then do the other side. Make sure the RTV has cured for at least 3 or 4 days before you do any cleanup or trimming. Expect to do this a couple of times before you get it just right and the grips will close around the frame.

My advice is you really don't want to do this. If you have an extra two-hundred-fifty-bucks to waste, go buy a nice belt and holster.

Here’s a couple of photos to give you an idea how I did my jigs.
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Last edited by Hill_Country; 05-19-2014 at 10:36 AM.
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Old 05-18-2014, 02:41 PM
red feather red feather is offline
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Originally Posted by Hill_Country View Post
Thanks, I will. What model do you need?

Sorry about the delay - SWMBO has had me working on some higher priority (to her) projects, but I intend to start another CT mod this weekend. I'm going to try the CS9 one more time, but it may turn out to be a 3913 or 6906. Keep your fingers crossed.

Does anyone know how thick the 40/45 cal compact frame is? It is a single-stack and the CT LG359 (for the 59xx) should fit around it. If so, and if there is demand, I'll start watching for one which I can use to fit the CT grips on the 40/45's. Let me know if anyone is interested in a CT laser for these models.

If it turns out to be 3913 let me know.. I want one or two.
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Old 05-18-2014, 08:38 PM
Ldishman Ldishman is offline
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If you ever get around to making some for 6946...please let me know...
Ldishman1998 at yahoo dot com
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Old 05-19-2014, 10:39 AM
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Originally Posted by red feather View Post
If it turns out to be 3913 let me know.. I want one or two.
Originally Posted by Ldishman View Post
If you ever get around to making some for 6946...please let me know...
Ldishman1998 at yahoo dot com
I have no plans to make any more of them.
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Old 11-26-2015, 05:03 PM
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Default please 3913

please if you make anymore can you let me know? thank you
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Old 11-26-2015, 10:06 PM
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Don't hold your breath. <G>

There are several threads explaining how to do it.
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Old 06-06-2022, 07:25 PM
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Is anyone still making these? Instructions possibly?
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