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Old 01-13-2010, 03:19 PM
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Default Cancer............

Steve's post got me thinking. As I mentioned in his thread and in several others, I was diagnosed on October 23, 2009 with stage 3 colon cancer, quite a shock for being only 42 years of age.

I know several other folks here have talked about their battle with this awful disease and/or the battle a spouse, parent, etc is waging. It made me think, how many folks here are battling cancer?
Old 01-13-2010, 03:22 PM
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Lost my grandfather to it. Lost my dad to it. Lost an aunt to it.

I think it's the worst thing God created! Wish he'd have created frictionless bearings instead.
Old 01-13-2010, 03:40 PM
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I wrote part of my story on steaves thread. I batteled skin cancer of the nose since 1985. Started out as a pimple. I had about 13 surgerys up to a couple years ago. Always takeing off a little more each time. Always telling me we think we have it all. Always telling me it isnt fatal. Then, about 2 1/2 years ago they changed their tune. Said if I didnt have part of the nose taken off, I had 2 months to 2 years to live. They did the operation but found my entire nose had to go.
They built me a new nose by scalping me leaveing part of the skin and drapeing it over where the nose was. They used grissel from my rib cage and ears. That was 2+ years ago. Three operations, and I am cancer free. I aint pretty, but I dont scare kids. It was more of a ordeal for my wife than me. I looked like a monster for months and came close to death several times when blood clots let go. Also once I fell on the concrete flat on my new nose and destroyed some of the surgeons work but never redone it. The fall flattened my nose quite a bit. This all came about due to working in the fields unprotected as a kid and probley breaking my nose 6 to 8 times in fights etc. I am okay now, Thank God! I Haff pictures!! I dont think you want to see them!
Old 01-13-2010, 03:49 PM
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Shortly after my 27th birthday, 2 years ago, I was diagnosed with tongue cancer. Fortunately for me it was in as good a location as it could be for cancer, but they still had to remove most of the left side of my tongue. Dec. 17, 2007 I went in for 10 hours of surgery, where the cut from just under my left ear to underneath the center of my chin. Removed half my tongue, and replaced it with a chunk of my forearm--which they covered up with a skin graft from my left thigh. Through in a PEG (stomach tube) just to make things even better.

Was recovered pretty well by Feb. 2008 before I had to deal with treatments. Had to go through 30 rounds of radiation and 4 treatments of chemo-therapy. The chemo-therapy was a breeze compared to the torture of radiation to the face and throat. Had to have a mask made up for the radiation, which involved a mesh like material with a firm outer band, when placed in warm water the mesh becomes maliable. They have you lay on a table, and press the mesh down over your face while having a popsicle like device in your mouth--so your jaw stays apart. Takes about 45 minutes to have the mask formed, to make sure that you don't move the firm outer band is clamped to the table.

Radiation treatments were Monday through Friday, and lasted about 15 minutes for standard treatment, have 5 extended treatments that last 20 minutes. About half way through I was unable to eat by mouth, and had to take all my nutrition through a feeding tube. By the end I was so weak and had lost 25 lbs, unfortunately the effects of radiation don't end with the last treatment and your body doesn't start to recover for a couple months. Now suffer from chronic dry-mouth, due to the removal of salivary glands, and radiation weaking the rest.

Have been cancer free since then, but wouldn't have made it through it without the support of a loving family, and the motivation to see my couple month old son grow up. These are a couple pics of the scars, but the worst scars aren't visible, l live in constant fear of it's return and having my children grow up without a father.

At least this made both hips replacements I had for my rhuematoid arthritis look like a walk in the park.
Old 01-13-2010, 03:54 PM
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So far in my young life, heart disease is my family killer. That and diabetes. I guess you could chalk a lot of that up to bad diet. Boiling your food in grease isn't good for you, but it is good to me. Cancer hasn't been in my family much, yet. I guess we've just been fortunate so far. I don't even smoke, but some of the stuff I've inhaled in all of my firefighting days wouldn't surprise me at all if I developed lung cancer. God bless all of those who suffer and their families.
Old 01-13-2010, 03:55 PM
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I have been battling Leukemia for three years now. Everyday my bone marrow gets a little worse and most days I am dragging *****, but I fight it with the help of some good doctors and Oncologist. I don't usually say much about it on this site. The main things that keep me going is the love of my God, love of my wife and kids and the love of my guns to keep me occupied. Without them, I would be nothing. Life has been good to me. Nuff said.
Old 01-13-2010, 04:09 PM
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I had testicular cancer when I was just 5 years old. Luckily, they were able to surgically remove it all without removing anything that was SUPPOSED to be there. it is still somewhat embarrassing to talk about, but that embarrassment is also the main reason men die from it everyday. Don't worry, I won't put any pics up.......
I mean, you feel me....
Old 01-13-2010, 04:14 PM
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Default cancer

After a trip to the range in 2006 I was feeling terrible went to the Dr"s where they did their tests and they found lung cancer along with a brain tumor.
After Chemo and Cyber Knife treatments its in remission.Still shoot ICORE matches but now I have to do it with an oxygen backpack but I still am able to shoot.
Old 01-13-2010, 05:18 PM
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Man you guys are my heroes! Hang in there and keep fightin'!!
"Onward thru the Fog"
Old 01-13-2010, 05:27 PM
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Lost about a foot of colon due to cancer, never looked back.

I feel like Rodney Dangerfield..."I had a rough week but I'm ok now!"

Qui me amat, amet et canem meum
Old 01-13-2010, 05:44 PM
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you folks are truly courageous!

cancer is a hell of a thing even if caught early.....

if i were to win the lotto a good chunk-o-change would be donated to cancer research for a cure along with other charities.

keep up the fight, i cant express my thoughts adequately enough for what youve been or are going through.
Old 01-13-2010, 05:50 PM
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Three years ago this month, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I had surgery the following March and have been free since. There are some difficulties due to the surgery, but it beats the alternative. I have since learned how common this cancer and other problems are among Vietnam veterans.

There were a couple of guys here on the board who had already had the surgery and they were very helpful and supportive.
Old 01-13-2010, 05:52 PM
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Lost my older sister to lymphoma in 1994 after eight years of treatment and surgeries - two years later my wife was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of lymphoma and given two years, max. It's fourteen years and six rounds of chemo later - plus IVIGG infusions, and a host of respiratory issues from a destroyed immune system. She was hospitalized over the holidays for twelve days with pneumonia and two systemic infections - just got home the day before New Years. No known causal factors for lymphoma, other than exposure to the gases used as anasthetics.
But a word to wise - if you're a smoker or chewer, get off that stuff - nicotine is a drug, just like any of the banned substances (more addictive than heroin !). There's just no excuse to be using something that everyone KNOWS leads to cancer !
I'll never forget the three lung cancer patients outside Sloam Memorial Kettering Cancer Center - in their wheelchairs, hooked up to their IV chemos, and smoking through their tracheotomy holes. How do you spell STUPID ?
Old 01-13-2010, 06:20 PM
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My wife was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer in 2005. She survived extensive surgery and a long bout of chemo. Driving to chemo in Anchorage was a 608 mile round trip every other week during the winter.

We are now five years out and cancer free so far. The irony of all is that she is a health food nut and in great shape. I always thought it would be my fat *** that would have major health problems first.

She has a positive attitude and a great surgeon and oncologist. I believe attitude has a lot to do with survival. We have friends that survived stage three and four and are still going years later. They didn't give up and are still going. My heart goes out to anyone battling this damn disease. It's a long hard road and the specter of the cancer returning is always there.

Best of luck to you and you family. Stay positive.
Old 01-13-2010, 06:23 PM
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How do you spell STUPID? That's easy, it is spelled S-M-O-K-E-R! My Mother died November from complications after having her bladder removed due to bladder cancer. She had her epiglotis removed in '80 due to cancer from years of smoking, the cancer lie in wait all those years to return due to the nicotine being flushed from the body in her urine.
Old 01-13-2010, 06:48 PM
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Bladder cancer Dec 2005. Surgery and 4 years of BCG Treatments. No more scopes till September, thankfully. You have to watch out for me now. I'll get naked for just about anyone wearing hospital whites. Number one cause = smokes. Have quit 3 times in 4 years for periods of 8 months, two months, and now 14 days, again. Like in AA, the one among us that's been quit the longest is the one who got up earliest, today.
Old 01-13-2010, 06:50 PM
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Default Unpopular topic but......

I can not know what you guys are going through and no one can, except those who have been there but please, count me in as being on your team and pulling for your recovery. My story is similar but different in that 18" of my colon was removed in 2006. I had had three colostomies during the year and was given the choice of another in three months or perform surgery, I chose surgery. The attending Chief Surgeon advised that he found no cancer in the polyp he removed that had embedded in my colon wall so my response was one of relief. My story has a favorable ending and I wish and pray for the same for the survivors posting here.
S&WHF 333 S&WCA 2198
Old 01-13-2010, 07:12 PM
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Mine was minor compared to these stories...only lost the tip of my middle big deal..Steave, I will pray you beat it.
Thirty characters. Exactly...
Old 01-13-2010, 07:35 PM
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Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my prostate cancer surgery. The Urologist thought that I was a good candidate for the watchful waiting strategy. I chose to be aggressive and kill it as I would never be healthier, who can vouch for the future of medical care and, the cancer was not going to die on its own.
You do lose your modesty, our local hospital hired only beautiful models as nurses.
It turned out that the decision was good as the cancer was more aggressive and larger than originally described. Recovery has been very good.
Old 01-13-2010, 08:11 PM
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Nothing like Steve or some other of you guys are going through. I have greatest sympathy for you all. I have had a dozen or so skin cancers surgically removed and they are appearing more frequently and aggressively. I have an excellent dermatologist who gets me in very quickly if I discover anything I do not like the looks of. He examines me very closely every six months.
As a kid I was sunburned badly every year and it appears to have made me very susceptible. I dare not go with out long sleeves or wide brim hat in the summer at all.
Old 01-13-2010, 08:22 PM
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Cancer runs pretty heavily in my family. My mother had three different types of cancer spread over 30 years before we lost her last year. I had my right kidney removed due to cancer 23 years ago. I was very lucky, just surgery and no other treatments.

I know the emotional shock you suffer when the diagnosis is cancer, but the treatments are improving all the time. Also there are support groups available to help with the depression that goes along with the disease. Anyone who is dealing with cancer in themself or a loved one needs to take advantage of all the support available.

Charles Randolph

Last edited by phs3194; 01-13-2010 at 08:32 PM.
Old 01-13-2010, 08:27 PM
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Wow, my heart goes out to all of you that have been diagnosed or have to worry about a loved one. You all are very courageous, indeed. May God bless and keep you.

If I make it to age 60 I will have outlived both parents who died from cancer as it's been very strong in my family and has taken several other close relatives. I'm just praying if it does find me one day, it will end with me and my daughter will not come up with it. Unfortunately, she will have to stop smoking first.
Old 01-13-2010, 08:31 PM
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My story has a happy ending: My wife was diagnosed, after a CT scan to determine the source of extreme and sudden stomach pains, with ovarian cancer in 1996. When the doc showed me the scans, me with my then two-year old son strapped to my back, I was told she had at best one, perhaps two years to live. Two days later I was told, "Whoops! We made a mistake! She just had an ectopic pregnancy [outside the uterus] and blew a fallopian tube. We'll just remove that tube and she'll be right as rain!" And she was, and is.

Some of my friends thought I should sue the hospital. I thought I'll take my miracles any way I can get 'em. No complaints here!

After she came out of surgery, I went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch, as I had not eaten in quite a while, ate a big meal and drank a pitcher of margaritas. When I got back to the hospital, I was sitting by my wife's bed and a prissy little junior doc says to me, "Have you been drinkin'! You can't do that!" I said, "Doc, you gotta be kiddin' me. Two days ago you tell me my wife is gonna die. Then you tell me it was all a mistake. And now she is fine. And you say I can't have a drink and come back in here to sit with her?" I gave him a direct look, and he went on his way.

Last edited by Onomea; 01-13-2010 at 08:33 PM.
Old 01-13-2010, 09:16 PM
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I have had a dozen or so minor skin cancers removed from nose, face, ears, etc and a couple from my arm.

I lost my wife of more than 57 years, about 18 months ago. Stomach and lung cancer both. A lifelong smoker who could not quit.

No one can know how much I miss her.
the world is round everywhere
Old 01-13-2010, 10:05 PM
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prostate cancer & surgery 15 months ago
C & L
Old 01-13-2010, 10:27 PM
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Had a Basel Cell Carcinoma on my face a couple of years back. Had it removed and so far, no recurrence. Also had a small malignant bladder tumor about a year ago - same story - Doc removed it and so far no return.

Just a word to any of you who smoke or have smoked in the past. I learned that smoking is the leading cause of bladder cancer -- a little publicized fact. All the publicity links smoking to lung disease, but my Doc assures me that the link to bladder cancer is smoking's "dirty little secret".

Wife had colon cancer - had a resection and has been cancer free for about 10 years now.

Early detection is key to beating these things. Don't be a wimp about getting tested. if you spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, invest in a yearly "body check" by a dermatologist. If you are in your fifties or older, get colonoscopy screenings. if you have ever had lab tests showing blood in your urine (even if you can't see it) go to a Urologist for a check-up. None of the follow-up tests are anywhere as scary as dealing with an advanced stage of cancer.

Godspeed to all ---
Old 01-13-2010, 10:38 PM
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My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005. When the words came out of her doctor's mouth, it was as if someone had hit me in the face with a 2x4. We both basically went into shock. She had just the cancer removed, a very small tumor, and endured 33 radiation treatments. She is doing well today and all of her checkups have been negative. Her mother died from the disease.

I has a basel cell carcinoma removed from the right side of my neck in re-occurrence.

My bother loaded Agent Orange on C-130's at Da Nang, Vietnam. He has had colon cancer and just had a cancerous kidney removed on Christmas day.

President Kennedy made it a goal to land a man on the moon, and we did. When is someone going to make it a National priority to find a cure for the insidious disease? The sad fact of the matter is that people make a lot of money from people who have cancer.

Last edited by Lee in Quartzsite; 01-13-2010 at 10:44 PM.
Old 01-13-2010, 10:56 PM
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Nothing can compare to the words of the Doctor telling you that you have cancer. I got to hear them about 7 months after a good friend died at the age of 49, he smoked probably a couple packs a day. When they opened him up to remove the tumor on his chest they discovered he had cell cancer all throughout him, and he didn't last more than a week. I've never smoked anything, or chewed tobacco, but when I heard the Doctor tell me I had cancer all I could think was, here's my death sentence.

My mother had skin cancer removed from her arm about 8 years ago now, and because of my experience they caught the cancer on her tongue very very early--and only needed day surgery and didn't have to have radiation or chemo.

The reason I am on the board is because of my grandfather that died of cancer when I was going through my treatments. He loved guns and passed me down his Ruger Mini-14 Ranch rifle, which got me back into shooting.
Old 01-13-2010, 11:03 PM
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During a motorcycle trip to a Viet-Nam reunion and a side trip to the Miss. gulf coast I started bleeding. I figured the Yahama V Star was a bit rough on the rear and after the trip it stopped. After the cold set in I went to the dr. Was told I had colon/rectal cancer that had already spread to both lungs. Stage 4.
That was 4 years ago.
I have been on chemo steady ever since. While the docs are running out of chemo's to try I have not run out of hope. Will it get me? Someday but not today

If a person can, try to get to a Cancer Treatment Center of America. There are 4 or 5 in the US I was able to start there and it was a fantastic experance and wonderful treatment. But COSTLY and they dont accept several insurances. I had to go elsewhere after 2 years but I knew enough not to accept BS treatment.
No matter what keep the faith.
Old 01-13-2010, 11:21 PM
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The Monday before this past Thanksgiving I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Did they catch it early? No. Did they catch it in time? Maybe.

I'm on hormone suppression therapy now, then radioactive seed implants in March, then radiation therapy later, then chemo later if necessary. The doctors and my girlfriend wonder how I can make jokes about this. I consider this a minor annoyance. This is just one more game for me to play, and I play to win.

If you want bad news, my house caught on fire for New Years Eve. Now I have to deal with a 20X20 foot hole in my roof and damage to two of my upstairs rooms.
Old 01-13-2010, 11:44 PM
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Don't know if heredity has anything to do with it but my dad, his brother and an uncle on my mother's side died of prostate cancer. I had prostate cancer surgery almost 20 years ago and since have had part of my lower lip removed, melanomia surgery on my arm, surgery on the side of my nose and numerous other skin cancers surgically removed. Needless to say I see the dermatologist every six months, some times sooner. Very happy to still be here.
My wife had uterine cancer surgery in 1989 and no problems. The problem came from the radiation following the surgery. It did unbelieveable damage to the colon. Now they can direct the radiation much better.
Old 01-13-2010, 11:54 PM
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Colon cancer in 1999 , Bladder cancer 2007.
Liberty Or Death !
Old 01-14-2010, 02:27 AM
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Don't give up...........prostate cancer 1998; surgery, 38 radiation treatments, and 8 years on anti hormone therapy (injection in the belly every 90 days and pills daily)......mestatasized into the lymph nodes diagnosed as stage 4. Still here with side effects and all but actually doing very well thanks to the VA here in Az and Mn.
Old 01-14-2010, 09:25 AM
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You guys inspire me. It takes great courage to face cancer. I have been fortunate at 58 (so far). I see a urologist every 6 months for BPH and he watches me closely for prostate cancer. I also have a colonostomy and upper gi every 5 years to make sure my plumbing is in good order. I have perodic blood tests to make sure that everything is okay from that end. My blood pressure is good and my weight is normal. There are no guarantees though. It hits even the most healthy. I just hope that if I ever have to face it I can do it with as much faith and dignity that several of you have shown.
Old 01-14-2010, 09:34 AM
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I am lucky. I haven't been diagnosed with cancer yet. I think it is impossible to find someone who hasn't had a loved one or a close friend that hasn't fought the battle. Personally my Grandmother died of pancreatic cancer in 2008. She fought a good fight till the end, I never understood love and family until I lost that lady. My Mother also had a bought of skin cancer on her face, but luckily caught it early and delt with it without any major operations or drastic procedures.
Cheers -Jeff
Old 01-14-2010, 09:50 AM
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I've never personally been diagnosed with cancer, but have had first hand experience with it both in my family and my friends. My Mom had uterine cancer many years ago. After surgery and radiation, she was cancer free. Cancer also brought me to TN. A good friend in the music business was diagnosed with lung cancer, and having no family around, I was asked to come to TN to stay with him for the summer of '01. I agreed and moved here in May that year. In early November the Dr. said there was just one tiny spot left, and we were looking forward to a cancer free report in December. It didn't happen. By December the cancer returned with a vengeance. My friend was told there was little hope. Hospice was called, as I made him a promise that he wouldn't go to a nursing home. I'm proud to say I was able to keep that promise, but my friend died in my arms 2 months later. I will always say a special prayer for anyone battling this horrible disease. My friend had a very special talent, and I was blessed to see him at work and to have him as a friend. For that I am thankful.
Old 01-14-2010, 09:52 AM
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heredity has something to do with it as some folks are suseptable to getting cancer in spite of being non smokers and eating healthy.....while some smokers eat high fat diets and live to be 90.....there are just some that are predisposed i guess....
Old 01-14-2010, 02:45 PM
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I had bladder cancer six and one half years ago. I had the two tumours removed and went through a few years of the BCG treatment. I go in now every six months for a cystoscopy and have had no recurrence so far. Yesterday was my lucky day, still clean. If I had all the tubes they have stuck in me sticking out of me, I'd look like a porcupine!

I lost my wife of 47 years in January 2006 from throat and mouth cancer. She went through surgery, 60 radiation treatments over six weeks and a peg tube. She never smoked or chewed.

It makes you appreciate every day you have after going through cancer.
Old 01-14-2010, 04:38 PM
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My child bride was diagnosed with breast cancer 6 years ago. She endured surgery, chemo, and radiation treatments. The chemo almost killed her, literally. She was "this close" when she told she "didn't feel well" and wanted to go to the hospital. After she was stabalized and re hydrated, her Oncologists asked me to step into the hallwway. She proceeded to read me the riot act regarding my wife's care. Poking me in the chest with her finger, throwing around a few choice bad words... I told the doc "I tried, Doc! I can't do anything with her!" the Oncologist told me " call 911 on her ***. Let her argue with the fireman"...

But she is much better now. Just as cute and mean as ever. We celebrated her 5 years cancer free anniversary at a fancy resturant.

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Old 01-14-2010, 05:24 PM
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I can't argue with a thing anyone has said here. To all of you that have this terrible disease or have a loved one with it, hang in there. TO those of you that don't have it, I hope you never have to experience it. On the bright side, it does make you appreciate every day and if you ever took family and friends for granted, you won't any longer. I tell my wife every day that I don't think I could handle this without her.
Old 01-14-2010, 09:05 PM
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Just ran across this thread. Diagnosed with prostate cancer in Feb., 2009. Too late for surgery as it had spread to the lymph system. Doc told me I was lucky that it hadn't got to the bones...prognosis would not be good. A year of hormone reduction theropy along with bi-monthly Lupron shots has brought my PSA down from 320 to 1. Hey, I'm not complaining, life has been good...wonderful wife, great son, daughter-in-law and darling grand kids (2 girls). Even though the Doc gives me about 20 yrs or so, at age 80 I might start whining. I'll let you know. I can't stress hard enough about getting your PSA checked. I was a dumb ***...I felt good so I saw no reason to see a doctor. A simple blood test told the "rest of the story".

Last edited by Screamer; 01-14-2010 at 09:07 PM.
Old 01-14-2010, 10:45 PM
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I have a aggresive case of CROHNS it not only is in my bowls but in my joints Bad the medication causes headaches lower back pain get sick all of the time have had multiple surjurys have ostioperosis in my hips and I am 34 with a 2 year old boy I live on painkillers and go to wok every day I would have given up if my son had not come along it is horrible to say but after years of pain now addiction to pain meds its hard to deal with it and only makes me respect the people that fight cancer and have a great attitude and keep going
Old 01-15-2010, 03:03 AM
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My wife and I each lost our mother's to lung cancer in 2008. Her father met a nice lady at church and have become great friends. She was dianosed with lung cancer early last year so he has been caring for her. Three months ago he called to advise that he has a lump in his throat that has been found to be malignant. Together they now battle it helping each other through chemo and the like....
Old 01-17-2010, 11:25 AM
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Through bad blood products, I developed Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis. Biopsy in 1990 was clean of cancer. Was biopsied again 12/01/09. 3 maligant tumors, 2cm to 8cm. Hepatocellular Carcinoma (Primary Liver Cancer). Due to bleeding issues, they won't even remove the tumors. Through my research, I've found out it's what they refer to as an "Orphan Disease". Not much research put into it because of the few people who get it, and the drug companies find it not to be "financially viable". The best info I found that I could understand was at Podcast Transcription - Liver Cancer: Research in Primary Liver Cancer. Some days are good, some bad. Guess I won't have to worry about wether or not Social Security and Medicare will be there for me or not. Have to keep a positive mental attitude. There's no such thing as a normal life. There's just life. -Ed.
Shoot the CPU, not the monitor

Last edited by ect1222t; 01-19-2010 at 02:10 AM. Reason: typo's
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