How to Post COPYRIGHTED Material
Copyrighted material and Fair Use:
We stand behind a copyright holder's rights to his copyrighted works. Having said that, we also believe in the “Fair Use” standard.
Here are guidelines for ensuring your posts fit into our standard for Fair Use.
The only reason to copy someone’s work here will be to present a discussion on that topic. To that end, keep the following in mind:
Never post more than 250 words from the work.
Try to limit it to a paragraph or two, or a few sentences.
Again, never more than 250 words.
Post enough to convey the subject you are trying to discuss.
Always include a link to the original source.
Always credit the original author, or artist.
When it comes to pictures or videos the same basic standards apply. (obviously there is no word limit on your comments)
You must provide a link to the original host of the video.
You must provide credit to the original copyright holder.
There must always be a “talking point” provided by you. Provide your thoughts and reasons for discussing this topic and why it is germane to the forum area you are posting in.
Don't post a bare link and say "You gotta see this!".
Tell us WHY we need to see it with at least a few sentences.
That is the start of a discussion.
Posting a bare link is merely creating an internet index.
If your link gets deleted, you either failed to describe its value, or it does not meet our standards.
Permission Granted by Author:
If an author grants permission to repost an entire article, STATE that ABOVE the title of the article.
Use the author's own words.
Lee Jarrett